Merge operation

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One of the most important base functions of WaveBeans is merge function, it allows you to make one out of two streams using an operation like sum, subtract or your own. Though, it works only with stream of the same type, but you can always remap one of the streams for types to match. Despite the fact that merge stream works with the same stream types as inputs, it may return a different stream type as output.

The merge function is implemented as a regular function with the input types (Pair<T1?, T2?>) and output type R, so the signature of merge function looks like this:

val fn: (Pair<T1?, T2?>) -> R = { it.first + it.second }
val fn: (Pair<T1?, T2?>) -> R = { (a, b) -> a + b}

The input type is a pair of nullable types T1 and T2, where either T1 or T2 might be a Sample, FftSample, Int or something else, and both type can be different. The Pair is a tuple of two elements, which can be conveniently destructured via putting two variables into parentheses (a,b) as in the example above. The output type is non-nullable and can be any.

To apply merge operation on the stream just call merge() method and specify the second stream of the same type and merge function:

    .merge(880.sine()) { (a, b) -> a + b}

Here the argument of the function is destructured in place of regular argument function. In this case, both streams are sample streams BeanStream<Sample>, nullable type Sample? defines the sum operation, so you won’t need to think about it. This is using merge operation with lambda function.

The very same can be achieved with just calling sum operation directly on the stream, as sum operation for sample streams is defined in the library:

440.sine() + 880.sine() 

Such shortcut operations are defined for streams of samples and windowed samples, as well as other arithmetic operations.

Handling streams of different lengths

Not all streams are the same length, some of them are infinite, some of them are finite. Handling of that situation properly is up to developer. For that purpose the operands of the merge function are nullable. When one of the operand is null that means that the stream the operand is coming from is over. Though the another stream is not over yet. It’s up to you to resolve that, but if you’re sure that both streams will never finish or they exactly the same length, you may convert it non-nullable types by simply using Kotlin function requireNotNull() which will throw an exception if the operand is not null, but at the same time allows you to treat it as non-nullable variable further.

infiniteStream1.merge(infiniteStream2) { (a, b) ->
    a * b // no need for extra null-checks  

Also, the result of the function is nullable, which means whenever the merge operation decides to end the stream based on the operands or anything else, it can do it.

Using with two different input types

As was mentioned the merge operation may have two arguments if the types which are different. In the following example two streams are merged together which results in the third type. Schematically it may look like: BeanStream<Int> + BeanStream<Float> -> BeanStream<Long>.

input { (idx, _) -> idx.toInt() } // -> BeanStream<Int>
            input { (idx, _) -> idx.toFloat() } // -> BeanStream<Float>
        ) { (a, b) ->
            a.toLong() + b.toLong()
        } // -> BeanStream<Long>

Using as a class

When the function needs some arguments to be bypassed outside, or you just want to avoid defining the function in inline-style as the code of the function is too complex, you may define the merge function as a class. First of all please follow functions documentation.

As mentioned above the signature of the merge function is input type Pair<T1?,T2?> and the output type is R. Let’s create an operation that sums two streams but keeps the value not more than specified value.

The class operation looks like this:

class SumSamplesSafeFn(initParameters: FnInitParameters) : Fn<Pair<Sample?, Sample?>, Sample?>(initParameters) {

    constructor(maxValue: Sample) : this(FnInitParameters().add("maxValue", abs(maxValue.asDouble())))

    override fun apply(argument: Pair<Sample?, Sample?>): Sample? {
        val maxValue = sampleOf(initParams.double("maxValue"))
        val (a, b) = argument
        val sum = a + b
        return when {
            sum > maxValue -> maxValue
            sum < -maxValue -> -maxValue
            else -> sum

And this is how it’s called:

        .merge(880.sine(), SumSamplesSafeFn(sampleOf(1.0)))

This class uses helper function sampleOf() which converts any numeric type to internal representation of sample, please read more about in types section

Note: when trying to run that examples do not forget to trim the stream and define the output.

Running in distributed or multi-threaded mode

The merge operation is not parallelizable, which means it is always being evaluated on one thread regardless of how many partitions you define. So making it in CPU/memory consumption as light is possible is a good idea overall.